Twisted Fate

Unveil the Shadows of Justice in “Twisted Fate”

A Legal Thriller That Dares to Explore the Depths of Morality and Redemption

In the heart of New York’s teeming legal battleground, Jay Sutherland, the city’s youngest-ever district attorney and a decorated U.S.M.C. veteran, faces the most challenging case of his life. Not against a hardened criminal, but against the very demons that haunt him from his past. “Twisted Fate,” the electrifying debut novel by Adam Lewis, catapults readers into a whirlwind of legal intrigue, where the line between right and wrong blurs, and the stakes couldn’t be higher.

Engrossing Journey, Unforgettable Characters

Adam Lewis crafts a narrative so immersive, it ensnares you from the opening chapter. Dive into the complex world of Jay Sutherland, a character whose depth and struggles are as compelling as they are relatable. Through Lewis’s artful storytelling, “Twisted Fate” becomes more than a novel—it’s an experience.

  • Emotional Rollercoaster: Prepare to be whisked through a spectrum of emotions, from the peaks of joy to the valleys of despair. “Twisted Fate” promises not just to tell a story, but to make you feel it.
  • A Battle Within: At its core, this novel explores the internal battle we all face: the fight between our past and present, our demons and desires. It’s a story that resonates, long after the last page is turned.
  • Authenticity and Intrigue: Adam Lewis’s narrative prowess lies in his ability to blend authenticity with suspense. Every tragedy, every triumph feels not just believable but inevitable, as if the characters themselves were dictating the story.

Why “Twisted Fate” Stands Apart

Unlike many of its contemporaries, “Twisted Fate” steers clear of clichés and predictable plot twists. Instead, it delivers a fresh, gripping saga that keeps you guessing until the very end. Here’s why readers can’t get enough:

  • Intense, Page-Turning Thrills: From its fast-paced narrative to its unexpected turns, this novel ensures sleepless nights, filled with the need to know what happens next.
  • A Debut That Feels Like a Masterpiece: Adam Lewis enters the literary scene not just with a story, but with a statement. “Twisted Fate” is a testament to his skill, promising a bright future for this new voice in thriller literature.
  • Praise That Speaks Volumes: The chorus of readers demanding more of Jay Sutherland’s adventures is a testament to the book’s impact. It’s not just a novel; it’s the beginning of a journey readers are eager to continue.

Embark on the Journey of “Twisted Fate”

“Twisted Fate” isn’t just a book to be read; it’s an experience to be lived. Join Jay Sutherland as he navigates the murky waters of justice, morality, and redemption. Order your copy today and be part of the thrilling voyage that is Adam Lewis’s “Twisted Fate.” Discover why it’s not just a story, but a revelation.

Twisted Fate” available on Amazon now.



“Early John Grisham vibes with this clever thriller, which takes you into the legal world and leaves you wondering who the good guys really are. I found the main character compelling and the easy writing style made for an immersive reading experience.” – Louise G, Reviewer via NetGalley.


“I was brought to all emotions while reading this book (in 2 days mind you). I was happy, sad, angry…. I sure hope that there are more books following Jay Sutherland in the future. I definitely want more.” – Kimberly B, Reviewer via NetGalley.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Page turner!

“Honestly, it usually takes me a week to read a book, but I read Twisted Fate in a single sitting. The story takes you on a journey with the main character and really draws you in. The book is believable, the characters are real. The tragedies sting and your heart rejoices at each victory. The Author ties everything together well, and unlike some other books in this genre, nothing feels contrived or forced. I closed the last page with a smile and was left wanting more.” – Mike V. Reviewer via NetGalley.

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ – Great!

“Enjoyed the book immensely wasn’t drawn out. Shed a tear, Couldn’t put it down, had to find out the ending good ending ❤️ “ – Christine Reviewer via NetGalley.


“Don’t start reading Adam Lewis’s debut novel “Twisted Fate” before you go to bed, because I guarantee you won’t be able to put it down. I was hooked from the very first page and I was not disappointed by all the twists and turns the novel took.” – Diane Hawley Nagatomo, author of The Butterfly Café.


This was such a good debut book! I found myself so invested that I just had to keep reading! It definitely was a page turner. This was a great read and hopefully there is more to Jay Sutherland! I look forward to reading more from Adam Lewis. 🙂– Tara C. via NetGalley.


“This book grabbed my attention from the very beginning. It is well written and easy to follow.The characters are well developed early on and gain depth as the story continues. The storyline is exciting and the real action and suspense really takes off in Part 3. Phew, what a wild ride! Highly recommend this book!” – Tara D. via NetGalley.